Little bit about the author

Jan Sovák is writer, illustrator, composer and fine artist recognized as one of the world's foremost natural history artists and illustrators. The holder of advanced degrees in art and zoology, Jan was born in Tábor, Czech Republic and lived in Canada since 1983. He returned back to CzechRepublic in 2017. As an illustrator he has been published in over 340 books in countries such as Canada, Czech Republic, USA, Germany, UK, Japan, Netherlands among others. His illustrations appear in film and television productions in number of dramatic works including Discover Channel Worldwide, National Geographic and Universal Studio Jurassic Park Visuals. In collaboration with Prague ZOO he created an exhibit about release of wild horses in Mongolia and his illustrations were used by Mongolian government to create commemorate post stamp. As a writer he has been published in more than 20 books internationally covering themes from natural history to fiction novels and fantasies. Currently Jan has been directing his talents to writing genre fiction and creating animation. He has completed a fantasy based trilogy of alternated world project which takes advantage of the convergence of today entertainment market.
Recently he has been writing and illustrating 12 science fiction books in series with focus on education about evolution.
In 2020 Jan received an honorary citizenship for life achievement by the city of Tábor CR.